Today’s basically been one of those days where so much was supposed to get done, but only a few things did. I still need to finish my homework and start studying. I have 100 Word Vocabulary test on Monday…. which teacher makes you memorize 100 words that you’ll never use? And then once that is over I need to pass like all my finals for the first time in my life. I have honestly not once in high school passed a final because I needed to, it was all just kind of out of chance or I failed it, because I just really didn’t care. Umm but yeah fun part of my life, I am hopefully going to start working, since I may have found a day care around my house that actually takes people my age, without a high school diploma or any college stuff. Um I also lately I have been in strange moods because of stress, but I’ve also realized that I miss so many people. I’m so used to people kind of just walking in and out of my life, or not walking out necessarily, but just not being there, that I just can’t wait to move out of my house, make my own money and just be able to see the people I don’t always get to see.
I think the one thing that makes me different then other bloggers is the fact that most people organize their thoughts, and there’s some kind of organization to their blog, and mines are just kind of anywhere and everywhere in no certain order, just because I don’t care. I’m a random person and will just write anything that is in my mind at the time, so my blogs kind of just go from one thing to the other at a fast pace, sometimes cutting random ideas off in mid-air. (:
Okay well I’m going to get back to all the little ones at my house (no I’m not alone, so yes someone has an eye on them.) (:
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